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Publications: Publications


  • Heimpel, G. E., Abram, P. K., Causton, C. E., Celis, S. L.,; Coll, M., Hardy, I. C. W., Mangel, M., Mills, N. J. and Segoli, M. 2024. Biological control benefit-risk analysis. Ecological Applications, In press.

  • Segoli, M., Kishinevsky, M., and Harvey, J. A. 2024. Climate change, temperature extremes, and impacts on hyperparasitoids. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 64, 101229.

  • Segoli, M., Papegay, Y., Rozenberg, T., and Wajnberg, E. 2024. Why do predators attack parasitized prey? Insights from a probabilistic model and a literature survey. Behavioural Processes, 216, 105002.

  • Arzi, Y., Segoli, M., Schäckermann, J. and Korine, C. 2023. Providing water sources to insectivorous bats for conservation biological control in arid date plantations. Biological Control, 187, 105374.

  • Johnson, D. A., Arabesky, V., Rozenberg, T., Lubin, Y., Segoli, M., and M.A. Mowery. 2023. Parasitoid development and superparasitism in invasive versus native widow spider host egg sacs. Biological Invasions. 25, 2519–2530.

  • Johnson, A. D., Rozenberg, T., & Segoli, M. 2023. Notes on the parasitoids found within the nests of Delta dimidiatipenne (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 96, 925.

  • Mowery, M. A., Arabesky, V., Rozenberg, T., Lubin, Y. and M. Segoli. 2023. Invasive brown widow spiders avoid parasitism despite high densities. Oecologia. 202, 143–150.

  • Mowery, M.A., Rosenwald, L., Chapman, E., Lubin, Y., Segoli, M., Khoza, T., Lyle, R. and J. White. 2023. Endosymbiont diversity across native and invasive brown widow spider populations. bioRxiv. 2023–2026 .

  • Segoli, M., Abram, P.K., Ellers, J., Hardy, I.C., Greenbaum, G., Heimpel, G.E., Keasar, T., Ode, P.J., Sadeh, A. and E. Wajnberg. 2023. Trait-based approaches to predicting biological control success: challenges and prospects. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

  • The Herbivory Variability Network, Robinson, M. L., Hahn, P. G., Inouye, B. D., Underwood, N., Whitehead, S. R., ... & Rosenheim, L. Y. 2023. Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory. Science, 382(6671), 679-683.

  • Yagle, I., Segoli, M. and Gelfand, I. 2023. Patch establishment of the summer annual saltwort plant (Salsola inermis Forssk.) increases N cycling rates and soil nitrous oxide emissions in Israel’s Negev Desert. Plant Soil. 487, 2373–387.

  • Mowery, M. A., Lubin, Y. and M. Segoli. 2022. Invasive brown widow spiders disperse aerially under a broad range of environmental conditions. Ethology. 128(8), 564-571.

  • Mowery, M. A., Arabesky, V., Lubin, Y. and M. Segoli. 2022. Differential parasitism of native and invasive widow spider egg sacs. Behavioral Ecology, 33(3), 565-572.

  • Leduc, S., Rosenberg, T., Johnson, A. D. and M. Segoli. 2022. Nest provisioning with parasitized caterpillars by female potter wasps: costs and potential mechanisms. Animal Behaviour,188, 99-109.

  • Cohen, S., Groner E., Peters A. and M. Segoli. 2021. The Impact of Roads on the Redistribution of Plants and Associated Arthropods in a Hyper-Arid Ecosystem. Journal of Insect Science. 21(4): 4;1–10.

  • Ferrante, M., Dangol, A., Didi-Cohen, S., Winters, G., Tzin, V. and M. Segoli. 2021. Oil Pollution Affects the Central Metabolism of Keystone Vachellia (Acacia) Trees. Sustainability, 13, 6660.

  • Ferrante, M., Möller, D., Möller, G., Menares, E., Lubin, Y. and M. Segoli. 2021. Invertebrate and vertebrate predation rates in a hyperarid ecosystem following an oil spill. Ecology and Evolution, 00, 1–8.

  • Flatau R., Segoli M., and H. Hawlena. 2021. Wolbachia endosymbionts of fleas occur in all females but rarely in males and do not show evidence of obligatory relationships, fitness effects, or sex-distorting manipulations. Frontiers in Microbiology.

  • Möller, G., Keasar, T., Shapira, I., Möller, D., Ferrante M. and M. Segoli. 2021. Effect of Weed Management on the Parasitoid Community in Mediterranean Vineyards. Biology. 10(1):7.

  • Möller, D. M., Ferrante, M., Möller, G. M., Rozenberg, T. and M. Segoli. 2020. The Impact of Terrestrial Oil Pollution on Parasitoid Wasps Associated With Vachellia (Fabales: Fabaceae) Trees in a Desert Ecosystem, Israel. Environmental Entomology, 49(6), 1355-1362.

  • Ferrante, M., Möller, D.M., Möller, G.M., Lubin, Y. and Segoli, M., 2020. Seed Predation on Oil-Polluted and Unpolluted Vachellia (Acacia) Trees in a Hyper-Arid Desert Ecosystem. Insects. 11(10), p.665.

  • Segoli M and E. Wajnberg. 2020.‎ The combined effect of host and food availability on optimized parasitoid life-history traits based on a three-dimensional trade-off surface. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 33:850–857.

  • Segoli, M., Kishinevsky, M., Rozenberg, T. and I. Hoffmann. 2020.‎ Parasitoid abundance and community composition in desert vineyards and their adjacent natural habitats. Insects. 11:580.

  • Segre, H., Segoli M., Carmel Y. and A. Shwartz. 2020. Experimental evidence of multiple ecosystem services and disservices provided by ecological intensification in Mediterranean agro-ecosystems. Journal of Applied Ecology.

  • Segoli, M., Leduc, S., Meng, F., Hoffmann, I., Kishinevsky, M. and T. Rozenberg. 2020. Frequency and consequences of the collection of already parasitized caterpillars by a potter wasp. Scientific Reports. 10(1), pp.1-9

  • Segre, H., Carmel Y., Segoli M., Tchetchik A., Renan I., Perevolotsky A., Rotem D. and Shwartz A. 2019. Cost-effectiveness of uncultivated field-margins and semi-natural patches in Mediterranean areas: A multi-taxa, landscape scale approach. Biological Conservation. 240:108262.

  • Meng, F., Bar-Shmuel N., Shavit R., Behar A. and M. Segoli. 2019. Gut bacteria of weevils developing on plant roots under extreme desert conditions. BMC Microbiology. 19:311.

  • Bar-Shmuel, N., A. Behar and M. Segoli. 2019. What do we know about biological nitrogen fixation in insects? Evidence and implications for the insect and the ecosystem. Insect Science 27: 392-403.

  • Meng, F., P. W. Rundel, R. Sharifi, B.-S. N. and M. Segoli. 2019. The unique interaction between summer annual desert plant Salsola inermis Forssk and weevils residing on its roots: Mutualism or parasitism?. Ecological Entomology45: 36-44.

  • Segoli, M., S. C. Sun, D. E. Nava and J. A. Rosenheim. 2018. Factors shaping life history traits of two proovigenic parasitoids. Integrative Zoology. 13:297-306.

  • Pagendam, D., N. Snoad, W. Yang, M. Segoli, S. Ritchie, B. Trewin and N. Beebe. 2018. Improving estimates of Fried’s index from mating competitiveness experiments. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics. 23:446-462.

  • Ode, P. J., T. Keasar and M. Segoli. 2018. Lessons from the multitudes: insights from polyembryonic wasps for behavioral ecology. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 27:32-37.

  • Flatau, R., M. Segoli, I. Khokhlova and H. Hawlena. 2018. Wolbachia’s role in mediating its flea’s reproductive success differs according to flea origin. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 94:fiy157

  • Berger-Tal , O., A. L. Greggor, B. Macura, C. A. Adams, A. Blumenthal, A. Bouskila, U. Candolin, D. C., E. Fernández-Juricic, K. M. Gotanda, K. Price, B. J. Putman, M. Segoli, L. Snijders, B. B. M. Wong and D. T. Blumstein. 2018. Systematic reviews and maps as tools for applying behavioral ecology to management and policy. Behavioral Ecology. 30(1), 1-8.‏

  • Bar-Shmuel, N., E. Rogovin, S. Rachmilevitch, A.-L.-L. Friedman, O. Shelef, I. Hoffmann, T. Rozenberg, A. Behar, R. Shavit, F. Meng and M. Segoli. 2018. Tripartite symbiosis of plant-weevil-bacteria is a widespread phenomenon in the Negev Desert. Scientific Reports. 8:2420

  • Xi, X. Q., Y. H. S. Yang, Y. H. Yang, M. Segoli and S. C. Sun. 2017. Plant-mediated resource partitioning by coexisting parasitoids. Ecology. 98:1660-1670

  • Segoli, M. and J. A. Rosenheim. 2015. The effect of body size on oviposition success of a minute parasitoid in nature. Ecological Entomology. 40:483-485

  • Segoli, M., A. A. Hoffmann, J. Lloyd, G. J. Omodei and S. A. Ritchie. 2014. The effect of virus-blocking Wolbachia on male competitiveness of the dengue vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 8(12), e3294

  • Segoli, M., R. Stouthamer, C. M. Stouthamer, P. Rugman-Jones and J. A. Rosenheim. 2013. The effect of Wolbachia on the lifetime reproductive success of its insect host in the field. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 26:2716-2720

  • Segoli, M. and J. A. Rosenheim. 2013. The link between host density and egg production in a parasitoid insect: comparison between agricultural and natural habitats. Functional Ecology. 27:1224-1232

  • Segoli, M. and J. A. Rosenheim. 2013. Spatial and temporal variation in sugar availability for insect parasitoids in agricultural fields and consequences for reproductive success. Biological Control. 67:163-169

  • Segoli, M. and J. A. Rosenheim. 2013. Limits to the reproductive success of two insect parasitoid species in the field. Ecology. 94:2498-2504

  • Keinan, Y., M. Kishinevsky, M. Segoli and T. Keasar. 2012. Repeated probing of hosts: an important component of superparasitism. Behavioral Ecology. 23:1263-1268

  • Rosenheim, J. A., S. Parsa, A. A. Forbes, W. A. Krimmel, Y. H. Law, M. Segoli, M. Segoli, F. S. Sivakoff, T. Zaviezo and K. Gross. 2011. Ecoinformatics for integrated pest management: Expanding the applied insect ecologist's tool-kit. Journal of Economic Entomology. 104:331-342

  • Morag, N., A. Bouskila, O. Rapp, M. Segoli, T. Keasar and A. R. Harari. 2011. The mating status of mothers and offspring sex affect clutch size in a polyembryonic parasitoid wasp. Animal Behaviour. 81:865-870

  • Segoli, M., T. Keasar, A. Bouskila and A. R. Harari. 2010. Host choice decisions in the polyembryonic wasp Copidosoma koehleri (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Physiological Entomology. 35:40-45

  • Segoli, M., T. Keasar, A. R. Harari and A. Bouskila. 2009. Limited kin discrimination abilities mediate tolerance toward relatives in polyembryonic parasitoid wasps. Behavioral Ecology. 20:1262-1267

  • Segoli, M., A. R. Harari, A. Bouskila and T. Keasar. 2009. Brood size in a polyembryonic parasitoid wasp is affected by relatedness among competing larvae. Behavioral Ecology. 20:761-767

  • Segoli, M., A. R. Harari, A. Bouskila and T. Keasar. 2009. Host handling time in a polyembryonic wasp is affected both by previous experience and by host state (parasitized or not). Journal of Insect Behavior. 22:501-510

  • Segoli, M., A. Bouskila, A. R. Harari and T. Keasar. 2009. Developmental patterns in the polyembryonic parasitoid wasp Copidosoma koehleri. Arthropod Structure & Development. 38:84-90

  • Segoli, M., Y. Lubin and A. R. Harari. 2008. Frequency and consequences of damage to male copulatory organs in a widow spider. Journal of Arachnology. 36:533-537

  • Segoli, M., A. R. Harari and Y. Lubin. 2006. Limited mating opportunities and male monogamy: a field study of white widow spiders, Latrodectus pallidus (Theridiidae). Animal Behaviour. 72:635-642

  • Keasar, T., M. Segoli, R. Barak, S. Steinberg, D. Giron, M. R. Strand, A. Bouskila and A. R. Harari. 2006. Costs and consequences of superparasitism in the polyembryonic parasitoid Copidosoma koehleri (Hymenoptera : Encyrtidae). Ecological Entomology. 31:277-283

  • Segoli, M., A. Maklakov, E. Gavish, I. Tsurim and Y. Lubin. 2004. The effect of previous foraging success on web-building behaviour in the sheet-web spider, Frontinellina cf. frutetorum (Araneae: Linyphiidae). Ethology Ecology & Evolution. 16:291-298

  • Segoli, M., Cohen. T. and W. L. 2002. A new lizard of the genus Mesalina from Mt. Sinai, Egypt (Reptilia: Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae). Faunistische Abhandlungen, Staatilches Museum fur Tierkunde Dresden 15:157 -176.

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